Bristol Wellbeing & Pranic Healing

A Novel Approach to Conquering Fear

In the exploration of healing and personal development, few modalities capture the essence of energy work as profoundly as Pranic Healing. This form of alternative therapy, based on the utilization of life force or “Prana,” has garnered attention for its holistic approach to health and well-being. But beyond its conventional applications for physical ailments, Pranic Healing’s potential to address psychological afflictions, particularly fear, is both ground-breaking and worth understanding in greater depth.

Fear is an emotion familiar to all—rooted deeply not only in our psychological response systems but also within our energetic body. It is often described as a primal instinct, a necessary survival mechanism that signals danger. However, in the modern context, fear frequently manifests as an impediment to growth, a barrier to holistic health, and a major source of life’s perceived obstacles.

Pranic Healing posits that fear is not merely a neurochemical reaction; it is a disruptive pattern entrenched within our energy body. Accordingly, the phenomenon of fear, when examined through the lens of energy, provides a novel pathway to transformation. By manipulating the life energy that interpenetrates the physical body, practitioners of Pranic Healing are forging a new understanding of conquering fear.

The cornerstone of Pranic Healing is the concept that by altering the energetic field around the body, one can effect significant change within it. In addressing fear, Pranic Healing aims to identify and remove the congested energy that characterizes this emotion. Practitioners work meticulously to cleanse the aura and chakras, which are believed to be the repositories of emotional experience.

Through techniques such as ‘sweeping’ to clear away the negative energy and ‘energizing’ to bolster the flow of positive energy, Pranic Healing facilitates a state of equilibrium. This equilibrium not only pertains to physical health but extends to emotional states as well. Fear, viewed as an energetic blockage, can thus be dissolved, allowing for a revived sense of courage and clarity.

By employing Pranic Healing, individuals may develop increased resilience against the fears that habitually stall their progress. This resilience stems from a clearer energy body and a strengthened aura, which, according to energy healing principles, offer a fortified defense against negative emotional energies.

Furthermore, Pranic Healing encourages the cultivation of a vibrant energy body through meditation practices like the Meditation on Twin Hearts, which clears the emotional layer of the aura. Such meditations can lead to the expansion of consciousness and the empowerment of the individual to rise above fear-driven reactivity.

The narrative of Pranic Healing as a modality for addressing fear is one of liberation. It presents not just a therapeutic intervention but a way of life—a perspective that sees beyond the constraints of fear, enabling the individual to sanctify the path toward mental freedom and spiritual growth.

Pranic Healing does not claim to eliminate the natural occurrence of fear, but rather to transform the individual’s relationship with it. In doing so, the practice endows one with the tools to not only confront fear but also to harness it, reconfiguring it into a stepping stone towards self-actualization.

The impact of Pranic Healing in dispelling fear and fostering a sense of wholeness and balance is more than a promising alternative therapy—it’s a testament to the potential that lies within our own energetic makeup. As both science and spirituality continue to explore the depths of human potential, Pranic Healing stands out as a beacon of hope, eloquently demonstrating the powerful connection between the energy body and the eradication of fear.

In an age where fear has become an all-too-familiar companion, the wisdom and application of Pranic Healing’s principles can light the way to not just abate our fears but to transform them altogether. It is in this transformation that the true potential for healing—and ultimately, for leadership in thought and practice—can be realised.

Pranic Healing Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety are two of the most common mental health problems experienced by people all over the world. These conditions can negatively impact your overall well-being, making it difficult to carry out your day-to-day activities. While medication and therapy can be effective treatments, many people opt for alternative practices to alleviate stress and anxiety. One such practice is Pranic Healing. In this blog post, we will explore how Pranic Healing can help you manage stress and anxiety by balancing your biofield.

Pranic Healing works on the energy body, which is commonly known as the biofield. This involves the use of techniques that balance and harmonize the energy in the body through the manipulation of the chakras, meridians, and aura. The energy body is like a blueprint for the physical body, and any blockages or imbalances in the energy body can lead to physical and emotional problems, including stress and anxiety. Pranic Healing addresses these energy blockages, allowing your body to return to its natural state of balance and harmony.

Pranic Healing is a non-invasive healing technique, meaning that there is no physical manipulation of the body involved. Instead, the practitioner works on the energy body using their hands, intention, and visualization techniques. The practitioner can identify blockages and imbalances in the energy body by scanning it with their hands. Once identified, the practitioner will use specific techniques to remove the blockages and restore balance to the energy body. This gentle yet powerful technique allows for the release of emotional and physical stress and anxiety.

Pranic Healing is also effective in promoting relaxation and reducing the symptoms associated with stress and anxiety. When the energy body is balanced, the physical body can relax, leading to a reduction in muscle tension and a sense of calmness and peace. Additionally, Pranic Healing works at the subconscious level to change limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns that contribute to stress and anxiety. By changing these patterns, the mind can become clearer and more cantered, leading to a reduction in stress and anxiety.

One of the most appealing aspects of Pranic Healing is that it can be done remotely. This means that you do not need to be physically present with the practitioner to receive healing. Remote healing can be done over the phone or even through video conferencing, making it an ideal choice for those who live far from a Pranic Healing practitioner. Distance healing is just as powerful as in-person healing, allowing for the restoration of balance and harmony in the energy body.

Pranic Healing is an effective and non-invasive technique that can help alleviate stress and anxiety by balancing the energy body. By addressing energy blockages and imbalances, Pranic Healing can promote relaxation, reduce muscle tension, and change limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns associated with stress and anxiety. Remote healing makes Pranic Healing accessible to anyone, regardless of their location. If you are struggling with stress and anxiety, consider trying Pranic Healing to restore balance and harmony to your energy body.

A Holistic Approach to Overcome Depression and Sadness

Depression and sadness are two mental health issues that affect millions of people worldwide. While conventional medication and therapy can help alleviate these symptoms, alternative treatments like Pranic Healing can provide complementary support to manage them. Pranic Healing is a non-invasive, natural healing technique that uses energy or prana to restore the balance in the body’s energy centers or chakras. In this blog post, we will explore how pranic healing can help overcome depression and sadness and improve overall well-being.

Depression is a complex illness that affects the mind, body, and spirit. Pranic Healing can help manage depressive symptoms by addressing the underlying imbalances in the body’s energy centers. A pranic healer can assess the patient’s energy fields and use techniques like sweeping, cleansing, energizing, and energizing specific chakras to restore balance and promote healing. This approach can help alleviate depressive symptoms such as low mood, lack of energy, and negative thoughts.

Chronic sadness can cause discomfort and distress and impact a person’s quality of life. Pranic Healing can help alleviate the root causes of sadness by clearing negative energies and emotions from the energy fields. A pranic healer can use techniques like cleansing negative emotions, cutting cords, and energizing positive qualities to help the patient let go of past hurts and move forward. This approach can help reduce feelings of sadness, promote emotional healing, and enhance overall well-being.

Pranic Healing is a holistic approach that addresses the underlying physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances that contribute to depression and sadness. It can complement conventional therapies and medications to provide a more comprehensive approach to healing. Some of the benefits of Pranic Healing for depression and sadness include:

– Providing natural relief without side effects

– Restoring emotional balance and resilience

– Boosting energy and vitality levels

– Enhancing overall well-being and quality of life

– Promoting spiritual growth and self-awareness

Pranic healing encompasses various techniques that can be tailored to address specific needs and imbalances.

Pranic Healing is a safe, non-invasive, and natural approach to healing that can benefit anyone seeking to manage depression and sadness naturally. To get started with Pranic Healing, you can find a qualified Pranic Healer in your area or enroll in a Pranic Healing training course.

Pranic Healing is a holistic approach to healing that offers complementary support to manage depression and sadness naturally. Its focus on restoring balance and harmony in the body’s energy centers can help alleviate symptoms such as low mood, lack of energy, and negative thoughts. Pranic Healing can be used alongside conventional depression and sadness therapies to provide a more comprehensive approach to healing. With its natural, non-invasive, and safe approach, Pranic Healing has become increasingly popular among people seeking to prioritize their mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Alleviate Anxiety and Stress for Employees

Stress and anxiety are common among employees, as they are responsible for making important decisions for an organization. It is no surprise that constant pressure can cause physical and emotional burnout. While therapies such as medication and counselling can help in alleviating symptoms, not all individuals respond to them, and they may come with side effects. Pranic Healing is an alternative therapy that involves the cleansing and energizing of the body’s energy centers, leading to improved physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing. In this blog, we will discuss how Pranic Healing can help CIOs manage anxiety and stress.

Pranic Healing is a holistic approach that centers around two things: the physical body and its energy counterpart. Prana is the energy contained in the body, and its imbalance or depletion can lead to physical and mental illnesses. In pranic healing, the therapist works using prana as the medium, channeling it to the energy center to restore balance. It is a non-invasive therapy that uses an array of techniques, such as scanning, sweeping, energizing, and stabilizing, to bring the body to a state of equilibrium.

Pranic Healing can help employees manage anxiety and stress by re-energizing the body’s energy centers and restoring balance throughout the body. It can help in regulating emotions, leading to a calmer state of mind. By revitalizing the nervous system, Pranic Healing induces a deep relaxation state that can last for hours. This therapy also strengthens the immune system and boosts energy levels, leading to increased stamina and resistance to stress. It can also promote mental clarity and improve concentration.

For CIOs, Pranic Healing has numerous benefits, including improved sleep, reduced blood pressure, and enhanced interpersonal skills. It can help relieve headaches, migraines, and other physical illnesses caused by stress and anxiety. It also enables individuals to better manage chronic conditions like asthma and allergies. Pranic Healing also taps into an individual’s natural healing abilities. As a result, their self-awareness and ability to cope with stressful situations improve.

To incorporate Pranic Healing into your life as a employees, you can work with a licensed practitioner who can help guide you through the process. Pranic healing can be done remotely, and you can work with a practitioner no matter where you are located. Sessions typically last between 30-60 minutes. Individuals can also learn to practice Pranic Healing on themselves by learning specific practices and techniques. Regular practice can lead to improved overall wellbeing and increased stress resilience.

As more people seek natural and holistic remedies for managing anxiety and stress, Pranic Healing continues to grow in popularity. Research on Pranic Healing is ongoing, with promising results emerging at an increasing rate. Eventually, Pranic Healing may become mainstream in the medical field, offering employees and other individuals an effective, holistic approach to managing symptoms of anxiety and stress.

Pranic Healing is an alternative therapy that offers a holistic approach to managing anxiety and stress. It has numerous physical, emotional, and mental health benefits. Employees can benefit from the calming effects of Pranic Healing and use it to promote better mental clarity, regulate emotions, improve concentration and promote sleep and relaxation. While you can work with a licensed practitioner, you can also learn to practice Pranic Healing on yourself. With promising research emerging, Pranic Healing may become a more mainstream therapy in the future.

Pranic Healing & Meditation in Bristol

One of the most important things to remember when starting a meditation practice is to be patient. It takes time to learn how to meditate effectively, and it is important to be gentle with yourself during the learning process. Meditation is a skill that can be developed over time, and there are no shortcuts to success. With regular practice, you will eventually be able to find a meditation style and technique that works best for you.

If you are someone who struggles with anxiety, meditation can be a helpful way to manage your symptoms. While there is no single “cure” for anxiety, meditation can be a powerful tool to help you cope with the condition. Through regular practice, you can learn how to control your thoughts and emotions, and eventually find relief from your anxiety symptoms.

If you are feeling stressed, meditation can be a helpful way to find calm and relaxation. Stress is a normal part of life, but it can have negative effects on your physical and mental health. Meditation can help to reduce stress levels and promote relaxation and well-being. With regular practice, you can learn how to better manage stress and eventually may find relief from your symptoms.

Pranic Healing is a type of energy-based healing practice that utilises prana, or life force energy, to help the body. Pranic Healing is a popular and common form of complementary healing that has shown effectiveness in treating a variety of physical and mental ailments.

Pranic Healing is based on the belief that prana, or life force energy, flows through the body and is responsible for our health and wellbeing. When there is an imbalance in the flow of prana, it can lead to physical or mental illness.

Try out Twin Hearts Meditation and a Pranic Healing Treatment in Bristol and see where it takes you.

Twin Hearts Meditation every Thursday 715pm to 7:45pm
North St Art Gallery,
135 North St, Bedminster, Bristol BS3 1EY,
Registration Required.

Complementary taster treatments offered.

Healing Clinic every Every Thursday 7:45pm to 8:45pm
North St Art Gallery,
135 North St, Bedminster, Bristol BS3 1EY,

Booking Required.

Join Pranic Healing Instructor Saleem Ullah at the Pranic Healing Course in Bristol.


Feeling Drained And Exhausted Have You Tried Pranic Healing

Are you feeling drained and exhausted? you’re likely experiencing stress. Stress can take a toll on your energy levels, leaving you feeling depleted. Pranic Healing can be a great way to help relieve stress and promote relaxation. During a Pranic Healing session, practitioners use their hands to channel energy into the body. this helps to balance the body’s energy and promote relaxation.

If you’re suffering from anxiety, you may also find that you’re feeling drained and exhausted. This is because anxiety can cause your body to produce stress hormones, which can lead to fatigue. Pranic Healing can help to balance the body’s energy and reduce anxiety.

If you’re having trouble with anxiety, don’t be ashamed. anxiety is a prevalent problem that may be treated. There are several effective treatments for anxiety, including therapy, medicine, and behavioural modifications. If you’re dealing with anxiety, talk to your doctor or a mental health expert about treatment options. You can learn to control your anxiety and enjoy your life.

Stress is a health and well-being concern. It can induce physical and mental ailments, as well as make it difficult to deal with regular life. Stressful activities, such as smoking or drinking too much alcohol, are other examples of risk-taking behavior that stress may promote. If you’re feeling stressed, there are things you can do to reduce it.

If stress is damaging your daily life, you should seek assistance. Stress that goes untreated can result in significant health issues including heart disease, high blood pressure, and depression.

Background on Pranic Healing

Prainc Healing was brought to the public eye in 1987 by Master Choa Kok Sui. A complementary non-touch healing therapy working on physical and psychological conditions. It uses a cookbook approach working on the energy centres using a specific protocol for each different condition.

Pranic Healing is a non-contact energy healing technique that aids in the treatment of disease and injury. It adopts a theoretical approach to medicine, which states that the body is a self-regulating, self-healing system.

Enhance & Balance your life:

Physically, Relationships, Finance and Self-Development (Spirituality)